Winter Lifestyle Favourites

As soon it starts getting dark before I’ve even left the office, any desire to go home and do anything but snuggle in my cosy room and watch Netflix all evening starts to become a thing of the past. Over the past month or so, I’ve really been trying to resist these lazy instincts, and I wanted to share some of my favourite products that have really helped…
Ever since I was young I have always done any form of exercising first thing in the morning, and I find it much harder to motivate to work out when I get home from work. As I have mentioned many times before, I love the workout programs from Fitness Blender, and this month I have started the Round 3 FB30. This is the perfect program for my current schedule, as the workouts average at around 30 minutes, and it has all of my exercise scheduled for the next eight weeks. Incorporating different forms of training such strength, HIIT and yoga to name a few, I find these programs incredibly effective and keep me inspired to carry on waking up at the crack of dawn. 
With these intense programs, aches and pains are inevitable. Here is where my saviour Therapearl comes in. The Sports Pack contains a reusable hot & cold compress that is perfect to treat sore muscles after a heavy workout. It is really easy to use and can be put in the freezer or microwave to get the desired method of therapy. This also works amazing for period pains and helps to keep you warm in the winter!
Apart from fitness, I have also been concentrating on getting in some quality me -time over the last month. I have finally redecorated my room after years of regretting painting one wall orange and having mismatched black and light wood furniture. I’ve worked hard to make it a space I love to spend time in and it has had a huge impact on my overall stress levels. One big factor is the lighting; my sister treated me to a couple of sets of fairy lights for my birthday, and once paired with a candle or two (the Lily Flame Christmas Spice Candle is a current favourite), my room has never felt cosier.
I was also very spoilt with some gorgeous new beauty books for my birthday, and recently I have been really engrossed in Sali Hughes new release Pretty Iconic. This is a great book for any beauty addict out there, and particularly for those who are interested in the history of the beauty industry.
That wraps up a few of my must-haves that have helped me stay out of a winter funk. Stay tuned for a winter beauty faves round up coming soon…

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