It is a huge understatement to say I got out of the swing of posting regularly on here. I wish I could reel off paragraphs of justifiable reasons as to why I’ve neglected this blog so much, but honestly, I think it just lost priority.
I started this blog while I was at University for many reasons: a) it was a perfect outlet for my uncontrollable obsession with makeup; b) it was a hobby that I did in my spare time (or let’s be frank, when I was procrastinating from Uni work) and c) I believed it would be an excellent asset for my CV. The blog became part of my daily routine and I absolutely adored it.
Shortly after graduating University, I started an internship – which turned into my current job – which I have poured my heart and soul into. But with the daily 90 minute commutes to London alongside balancing a social life of friends that have scattered across the country and trying to maintain a semi-decent fitness regime, other hobbies became significantly harder to keep on top of. The idea of trying to cram in rushed and mediocre blog posts into my spare time when all I needed was to unwind did not appeal to me at all.
So why come back now?
Working in beauty PR allows me to work with bloggers on a daily basis, and over the past couple of months I have really been craving getting back into the swing of things. I miss the process of blogging – the photography, the editing, the writing. I’ve had a wave of inspiration by other creators and have been feeling a creative void in my life outside of work.
And I’m making a strict rule of not setting any rules or schedules. There is far too much pressure in this community for even those who blog and write as a hobby. Enjoying the whole process again is my number one goal, and to never let it feel like a chore or as if it is my second job.
With all that being said, here’s to giving blogging another go. And mainly, here’s to not beating myself up if I can’t always be perfect…