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Reflections | On Finishing University
How to be Organised | University Tips and Tricks
If you would have told me a year ago that I would be writing a post entirely dedicated to organisation, I would have fallen about laughing (no doubt many people who know me are also doubting my ability to advise on this topic). I don’t know whether its the fact that I’m now in my third year of University (help) or that I’ve just got that bit better at managing my time. Nevertheless, if you’re at university or not, hopefully some of these tips can help you out.
Plan Your Time
Having a diary, for me, is the first step to becoming an organisational maven. Its become somewhat of a ritual for me, on a Sunday, to write in all of my lectures and seminars for the week and plan when I’m going to do my work etc. I don’t set a strict time schedule, and I don’t think that’s the key here. You want to allow yourself some flexibility so you don’t end up getting annoyed if you don’t stick to it exactly. I also like to plan my blog posts for the week, and this just helps me to keep on top of things.
Make Lists
The act of making lists always makes me feel super organised. These can either be big long-term lists or short day-to-day ones. I tend to also do this on a sunday and write down all the uni work that needs to get done that week, and then I can tick off assignments as I go. If you find yourself in a rut, it’s sometimes really handy just to write small everyday tasks on a to do list, such as putting on a load of washing or making your bed, and this really motivates me for the rest of the day.
Separate Your Work
So when you’re making these lists it is really important to not make these tasks seem too overwhelmingly. I’m currently working on my dissertation, and on first glance this is a rather daunting experience. If you have a big project coming up, break it down into manageable chunks that you know you can achieve. For example I will set my goal as reading a certain book or articles, and these smaller tasks makes everything that little bit more manageable..
Get Stuck In
I know it sounds obvious, but truly once you get your head down and seriously get stuck in with organising and actually implementing your plans, everything just does seem to stick into place. It may take a while to become disciplined, but soon the motivation does kick in, and completing goals is one of the most satisfying feelings ever.
These tips may seem hopelessly obvious to some of you, but this is what has really made me become organised. Have you got any good tips?